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Sample chapter
Few more brilliant or controversial innovations in
the design of any musical instrument can ever have been
made than those Theobald
Boehm (1794-1881) devised for the flute in 1832
and 1847. This chapter tells the story of how Boehm�s
designs came into being, and of how, from the very first,
other flutists and flute makers altered and modified
these designs as they gradually adopted and adapted
the Boehm flute.
Read Chapter 9, The Boehm
Flute, in PDF format (by kind permission of
Yale University Press). Notes and references appear
on pp. 316-19 of the book and are not supplied in this
sample version.
If you do not already have it installed, get the Adobe
Acrobat Reader.
Extract from the Preface
Table of contents