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by Ardal Powell © 1992, 1996

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What this bibliography contains:
Books containing written instructions on how to play the transverse flute. First located editions of methods are listed in chronological order. Later works by the same author, where they are not simply new editions of an earlier one, are listed directly following his first.
What this bibliography does not contain:
Collections of studies, monographs, biographies, collections of anecdotes, catalogues of collections, etc.
Corrections, additions, updates, and requests for permission to reproduce this list are welcome. Please send e-mail to the author.

Virdung, Sebastian, Musica getutscht, Basel: Michael Furter, 1511. 
     Facsimile ed. Klaus Wolfgang Niemöller, Documenta musicologica 1st
     ser., XXXI, Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1970. 
     Translation: Beth Bullard,
     Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993)
Agricola, Martin, Musica instrumentalis deudsch  Wittenberg: Georg Rhau,
     1529 and 1545. 
     Facsimile: Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1969
     Translation: William E. Hettrick, Cambridge and New York, Cambridge
     University Press, 1994
Jambe de Fer, Philibert, L'Epitome musicale de Tons, Sons et Accords, des
     Voix humaines, Fleustes d'Alleman, Fleustes a Neuf trous, Violes, et
     Violons Lyons: Michael du Bois, 1556
     Facsimile: ed. François Lesure, Annales musicologiques 6 (1958-
     63), 341-86
Praetorius, Michael, Syntagma musicum, 3 vols., Wolfenbüttel: Elias
     Holwein, 1614-19
     Facsimile: Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1958
     Translation of vol. 2 (De organographia), ed. Harold Blumenfeld,
     Kassel, 1962 and New York, 1986; Another translation of vol. 2 ed. David Z.
     Crookes, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986
Mersenne, Marin, Harmonie universelle Paris: Sebastien Cramoisy, 1636
     Facsimile: ed. François Lesure, Paris: Edition du Centre National de
     la Recherche Scientifique, 1965. 
     Translation: R. E. Chapman, The Hague, 1957
Trichet, Pierre, Traité des instruments de musique (c.1638), ed.
     François Lesure, `Le traité des instruments de Pierre Trichet',
     Anales Musicologiques 3 (1955), 283-87 and 4 (1956), 175-248
Hotteterre, Jacques-Martin Principes de la Flûte
     Traversière, Paris: Christophe Ballard, 1707 
     Facsimiles of Paris: Ballard, 1707 by Florence: SPES, 1998; of Amsterdam:
     Roger, c.1710 by Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1942; and of Paris: Ballard, 
     1720 by Geneva: Minkoff, 1973
     Translation: David Lasocki, Principles of the Flute, Recorder and
     Oboe, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1968
Prelleur, Peter, The Newest Method for Learners on the German Flute,
     from The Modern Musick-Master or the Universal Musician [Second
     edition] London: Printing-Office in Bow Church Yard, 1730/31
     Facsimile: London: Bärenreiter, "Documenta musicologica", n.d.
Anon. [Corrette, Michel], Methode Pour apprendre aisèment �
     joüer de la Flute Traversiere, Paris: Boivin, c.1740
     Facsimiles by Buren: Frits Knuf, 1978, and of 1773 edition by Geneva:
     Minkoff, 1977
     MS Italian translation [n.d., 18C], Venice, Biblioteca Querini Stampalia
     Translation: Carol R. Farrar, Michel Corrette and the Flute
     and Flute Playing in the Eighteenth Century. Volume X of
     Musical Theorists in Translation, Brooklyn NY: Institute of
     Medieval Music, 1970
Majer, Joseph Friedrich Bernhard Caspar, Museum Musicum Theoretico
     Practicum, Schwäbisch Hall: Georg Michael Majer, 1732 
     Facsimile: Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1954
     Facsimile of 2nd edition, Nuremburg: J.J. Kremer: ed. Eitelfriedrich Thom,
     Michaelstein: Kultur- und Forschungsstätte Michaelstein, 1991
[Eisel, Johann Philipp], Musicus Autodidaktos, Erfurt: Johann
     Michael Funcken, 1738
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, Principes pour la Flûte Op.40,
     c.1740 [No copy located]
Quantz, Johann Joachim, Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte
     traversiere zu spielen, Berlin: Johann Friedrich Voss, 1752
     Translation: Edward R. Reilly, On Playing the Flute, New York:
     Free Press, 1966. Also New York: Schirmer, 1975 and a second edition,
---- Solfeggi pour la flûte traversiére, ed. Michel &
     Teske, Winterthur: Amadeus, 1978
Minguet y Yrol, Pablo, Reglas y Avertencias Generales que esenan el modo
     de taner todos los instrumentos mejores y mas usuales, Madrid:
     Joachin Ibarra, 1754
Bordet, Toussain, Méthode raisonnée pour apprendre la
     Musique, Paris: The Author, c.1755
Atys, Nouvelle méthode courte et facile pour apprendre � jouer de
     la flûte traversière...avec des préludes, [Paris,
Mahaut, Antoine, Nouvelle Méthode pour Aprendre en peu de tems a
     Joüer de la Flute Traversiere/Nieuwe Manier om binnen korte tyd
     op de Dwarsfluit te leeren speelen, Paris: Lachevardiere, [1759]
     and Amsterdam: Hummel 1760
     Facsimile by Geneva: Minkoff, 1972
     Translations: Pauline E. Durichen, 'New Method for the Transverse 
	 Flute by Antoine Mahaut', Divisions, 1.1-2 (1978); Eileen Hadidian, A New 
	 Method for Learning to Play the Transverse Flute, Bloomington and Indianapolis 
	 IN: Indiana University Press, 1989
Delusse, [Charles], L'Art de la Flûte Traversiere, Paris, [1761]
     Facsimiles: Geneva: Minkoff, 1973, and Buren: Frits Knuf, 1980
Granom, Lewis Christian Austin, Plain and Easy Instructions for Playing
     on the German-Flute, London: T. Bennett, 1766
Anon., New Instructions for the German-Flute, Containing...a complete
     Scale and description of a new-invented German Flute with the
     additional keys such as play'd on by two eminent Masters Florio &
     Tacet, London: John Preston, n.d.
Heron, Luke, A Treatise on the German Flute, London: W. Griffin,
Longman and Lukey, Longman and Lukey's Art (in Miniature) of Blowing or
     Playing on ye German Flute, London: No. 26, Cheapside, c.1775
Lorenzoni, Antonio, Saggio per ben sonare il flauto traverso,
     Vicenza: Francesco Modena, 1779
     Facsimile: Bologna: Forni, 1988
Mussard, Nouvaux Principes pour apprendre a jouer de la Flutte
     Traversiere, Paris: Author, c.1780 
Petri, Johann Samuel, Anleitung zur praktischen Musik [2-keyed
     flute], Leipzig: Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1782
Taillart, Pierre Evrard l'Ainé, A tutor, [Paris], c.1782 [No copy
Arnold, Samuel, Dr. Arnold's New Instructions for the German Flute,
     London: Harrison & Co., 1787
Kauer, Ferdinand, Kurzgefaste Anweisung die Flöte zu spielen,
     Vienna, 1788 (no copy located)
Schlegel, Franz Anton, Gründliche Anleitung die Flöte zu
     Spielen, Graz: F.G. Weingand und Fr. Ferstl, 1788
Vanderhagen, Amand, Méthode nouvelle et raisonée pour la
     flûte, Paris: Boyer, c.1790
---- Nouvelle méthode de Flûte, Paris, Pleyel, c.1799     
     Facsimile: Florence: Scelte, 1984
Tromlitz, Johann George, Ausführlicher und gründlicher
     Unterricht die Flöte zu spielen, Leipzig: Adam Friedrich
     Böhme, 1791
     Facsimile: Buren, The Netherlands: Frits Knuf, 1973
     Translation: Ardal Powell, The Virtuoso Flute-Player by Johann
     George Tromlitz, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University
     Press, 1992
---- über die Flöten mit mehrern Klappen, Leipzig: Adam
     Friedrich Böhme, 1800
     Facsimile: Buren, The Netherlands: Frits Knuf, 1973, 1991
     Translation: Ardal Powell, The Keyed Flute by Johann George
     Tromlitz, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996
Temple, Samuel, Instructions for the German Flute, [Hanover NH, 1792]
Wragg, J., The Flute Preceptor, London: The Author, c.1792
Gunn, John, The Art of Playing the German-Flute on New Principles,
     London: Birchall, [1793]
     Facsimile: Hudson NY: Folkers & Powell, 1992
---- The School of the German-Flute, London: Birchall, 1794
Devienne, François, Nouvelle Méthode Théorique et
     Pratique pour la Flûte, Paris: Imbault, 1794 [a possible 1792
     edition remains unlocated]
     Facsimile: Florence: Scelte, 1984
     Translation in: The Life and Works of François Devienne, 1759-
     1803, William Montogomery, Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of
     America, 1975, Ann Arbor MI: University Microfilms International
Miller, Edward, The New Flute Instructor or The Art of Playing the
     German Flute, London: Broderip and Wilkenson, c.1799
Cambini, J.M., Méthode pour la Flûte, Paris, Gaveaux,
     Facsimile: Florence, Scelte, 1984
Tegg, Thomas, The Pocket Preceptor for the German Flute, London:
     Thos. Tegg, c.1800
Kreith, Carl, Kurzgefasste Anweisung die Flöte zu spielen, Vienna: Cappi and 
      Braunschweig: Spehr, c.1800 [no copy located]
Leroy, P. [C. Eugène Roy], Flöten-Schule, Berlin: Kunst- und Industrie-
     Comptoir, c.1800
Dauscher, Andreas, Kleines Handbuch der Musiklehre, und vorzüglich
     der Querflöte, Kempten: Thomas Brack, 1801
Monzani, T[ebaldo], Instructions for the German Flute, London:
     Monzani & Cimador, 1801
Peraut, Mathieu, Méthode pour la Flûte, Paris: The Author, n.d.
     Facsimile: Florence: Scelte, 1987
Michel, Georg [or Franz Louis] Nouvelle Méthode de Flûte,
     Paris, 1802 [no copy located]
Hugot, Antoine and Wunderlich, Johann Georges, Méthode de
     Flûte du Conservatoire, Paris: Conservatoire de Musique, 1804
     Facsimile: Buren, The Netherlands: Frits Knuf, 1975
Garnier, Joseph ("le jeune"), Méthode de flûte, Paris:
     Décombe, c.1810 [no copy located]
Froehlich, J., Vollständige Theoretisch-practische Musikschule,
     Part II, Bonn: N. Simrock, 1810-11
Thompson's  New Instructions for the German Flute . . . Also The 
method of double Tongueing and a concise Scale & Description of
Potters Patent German-Flute with additional Keys
(London: No 75
St Paul's Church Yard, c1810) Riley, E., Riley's New instructions for the German Flute, New York: Engraved, Printed and Sold by the Editor, New York, [1811] Beale, John, A Complete Guide to the Art of Playing the German Flute, second edition, London: Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co., c.1815 Keith, Robert William, A New and Complete Preceptor for the German Flute, London, c.1815 Müller, August Eberhard, Elementarbuch für Flötenspieler, Leipzig: C.F. Peters, 1817 Translation and commentary: Margaret Stevens Lichtmann, DMA thesis, Boston University, 1982. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1982 Minasi, Carlo, Flute Tutor, London: Hopwood & Crew, n.d. Nicholson, Charles, Nicholson's Complete Preceptor, for the German Flute, London: Preston, 1816 ---- C. Nicholson's Preceptive Lessons for the Flute, Philadelphia: G.E. Blake, c.1825 ---- A School for the Flute, London and New York: W. Hall & Son, 1836 Facsimile: Buren: Frits Knuf, 1990 Berbiguier, T., Nouvelle Méthode pour la Flûte, Paris: Janet et Cotelle, c.1818 ---- L'Art de la Flûte, Paris: Aulagnier, c.1838 Swaine, N., The Young Musician, or the Science of Music, Familiarly Explained, Stourport: G. Nicholson, c.1818 Anon., A New and Complete Preceptor for the German Flute, Utica: William Williams, 1819 Kuffner, Francisco, New Instructions for the German Flute, Third edition, London: The Author (Whitaker & Co.), c.1820 Alexander, James, Alexander's Complete Preceptor for the Flute, London, The Author, 1821 Meline, Florant, The Modern Flute Professor, New York: Author, 1821 Weiss, Charles N., A New Methodical Instruction Book for the Flute Op.50, London: Milhouse & Son, c.1821 Hastings, T[homas], Flute which are prefixed, Instructions for the German Flute, and Flagelet, Utica: William Williams, 1822 Bayr, Georg, Practische Flöten-Schule, Vienna: Tranquillo Molo, 1823 Bown, George Washington, The Flauto Instructive Compendium or Preceptor for the Flute, London: The Author, c.1825 Anon., A New and COmplete Preceptor for the German Flute, Cincinnati: N. & G. Guilford, 1825 Mercadante, Saverio, Methode pour la flute; precedee d'un abrege des principes de musique, augm. de plusieurs airs nouveaux, de trois duos, et trois airs varies de Rossini et Paer, Paris: Richault [1825?] Petersen, Peter Nicholas, [Flute Method], Hamburg: Günther [c.1825: no copy located] Fürstenau, A[nton] B[ernhard], Flöten-Schule. Anweisung zum Flötenspiel, Op. 42, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1826 ---- Die Kunst des Flötenspiels, Op. 138, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, c.1844 Facsimile: Buren, The Netherlands: Frits Knuf, 1991 Robinson, Alvan Jr., Flauto Traversiere, or Instructer [sic] of the German Flute, Hallowell: Glazier & Co., 1826 Drouet, L[ouis], Méthode pour la Flute (French and German texts), Antwerp: A. Schott, 1827 ---- Drouët's Method of Flute Playing, London: R. Cocks, 1830 Facsimile: Buren: Frits Knuf, 1988 Dressler, [Raphael], Dressler's New and Complete Instructions for the Flute, London: Cocks & Co. and Bonn: N. Simrock, c.1827, and New York: E. Riley, c.1828 Lindsay, Thomas, The Elements of Flute-Playing, 2 Vols., London: The Author, 1828-30 Walckiers, Eugène, Méthode de Flûte, Op. 30, Paris: The Author, [1829] Blake, G.E., A Complete Preceptor for the German Flute, Second edition, Philadelphia: The Author, ante c.1830 Firth & Hall's Improved instructions for the flute, without the aid of a master on principles entirely new. Also ample instructions for an eight key'd flute, New York: Firth & Hall [between 1832 and 1847] Tulou, [Jean Louis], Méthode de Flûte Progressive et Raisonnée adopteé par la Comité d'Enseignement du Conservatoire, Op. 100, Paris: Chabal, [1835] Facsimile of edition of Paris: Brandus, 1851, by Geneva: Minkoff, 1973 Translation: Janice Dockendorff Boland and Martha F. Cannon, Jean-Louis Tulou: A Method for the Flute, Bloomington and Indianapolis IN: Indiana University Press, 1995 ---- Petite Méthode Elementaire pour la Flûte Op.108, Paris: Lemoine & Fils, c.1840 Carte, R[ichard], Flute Tutor, London, c.1835 ---- A Complete Course of Instructions for the Boehm Flute, London: Addison & Hodson, 1845 Fahrbach, Jos., Neuste Wiener Flöten-Schule [New Edition], Leipzig: Aug. Cranz, c.1835 Patterson, John, A New Preceptor for the German Flute, Sixth edition, Albany: Oliver Steele, 1836 Coche, V., Méthode pour servir � l'enseignement de la nouvelle Flûte Inventée par Gordon, Paris: Schonenberger, [1838] Camus, [Paul Hippolyte] Méthode pour la nouvelle Flûte Boehm, Paris: E. Gérard, 1839 Kastner, G[eorges, = Johann Georg Kastner], Méthode Elementaire de Flûte, Paris: Boboef & Cie., [1839] Soussmann, H., Grosse practische Flötenschule Op.53, Leipzig: J. Schuberth & Co., [1840] Chapin, L.D., Euterpiad, Providence: L.D. Chapin, c.1840 Dorus, L[ouis], L'Etude de la Nouvelle Flûte, Paris: Schoenberger, c.1840 Forde, William, School of Fingering the Flute, London: R. Cocks & Co., c.1840 Lee, Bernard, New Flute Tutor. Bernard Lee's Edition of Wragg Improved, London: S. Nelson (late Mori & Lavenu) [1840] Mitchison, William, New and Improved Flute Tutor, Glasgow: John Cameron c.1840 Howe, Elias, Howe's School for the Flute, Boston: The Author [1843] ---- Self Instructor for the Flute, Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1851 ---- New American Flute School, Boston: Russell & Richardson, 1857 ---- Eclectic School for the Flute Without a Master, Boston: Elias Howe, 1872 Clinton, John, A School or Practical Instruction Book for the Boehm Flute, London: Cramer, Beale & Co., 1846 ---- The Universal Instruction Book for the [8-keyed] Flute Op.105, London: Boosey & Co., c.1855 ---- A Complete School...for the Boehm Manufactured by A.G. Badger, New York: A.G. Badger, c.1860 Krakamp, Emanuele, Metodo per il Flauto Cilindrico Alla Böhm Op.103, Milan: G. Ricordi, 1847 Appunn, Georg, Praktische Flötenschule Op.31, Offenbach: Johann André, 1850 Gattermann, Ph[ilippe], Méthode...Pour la Nouvelle Flûte de Boehm, Paris: S. Richault, [1850] Jewett, [John P.], Jewett's National Flute Teacher, Boston: John P. Jewett & Co., 1850 Kummer, Kaspar, Practische Flötenschule Op.119, Offenbach: Joh. André, c.1850 Lösch, M., Neue praktische Flöten-Schule, Augsburg: Böhm, c.1860-67 ---- Anweisung zum Flötenspiel Op. 106, Third edition, Offenbach: J. André, c.1865 Struth, A., Theoretisch-praktische Flötenschule, New edition, Leipzig: Carl Merseburger c.1850 [25th edition: c.1890] Bretonnière, V., Méthode Théorique et Pratique pour la Flûte � 6 et 8 clefs et la Flûte Cylindrique de Boehm Op.302, Milan: G. Ricordi, n.d. Reichardt, C., Flöten-Schule, Augsburg: Böhm, c.1852-59 Warren, Charles W., Hall's Method for the Flute, New York: William Hall & Son, 1853 Winner, Sep[timus], Popular Method for the Flute, Philadelphia: Winner & Schuster, 1854 ---- [Several other tutors by Winner with different titles are produced different publishers in various cities during the next quarter- century] Ciardi, Cesare, Metodo Elementare per Flauto, Milan: G. Ricordi, c.1860 Onerati, A., Nuove tavole ragionate ed esempi pratici per abituarsi all'uso del flauto perfezionato secondo il nuovo sistema del Chiarissimo Sig. Briccialdi (Milan: Giovanni Canti [c.1860]) Rémusat, J., Méthode Complète de Flûte, Paris: Alphonse Leduc, c.1860 Rimbault, Edward F., Chappell's Popular Instruction Book for the Flute, London: Chappell & Co., Ltd., c.1860 Pratten, R. S[idney], Flute Tutor, Edited and enlarged by J.A. Kappey, London: Boosey & Co., c.1880 [1st edition perhaps c.1860] Rockstro, R[ichard] S[hepherd], School for the Flute [8-keyed flute] and School for the Boehm Flute, London: Keith, Prowse & Co., 1863 ---- A Treatise on the Construction[,] the History and the Practice of the Flute, London: Rudall, Carte & Co., 1890 Revised edition, 1928, reprinted by Buren, The Netherlands: Frits Knuf, 1986 Haslam, E., New Method for the Boehm Flute, Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1868 Galli, Rafaelo, L'Indispensabile Metodo Pratico per Flauto Op.100, Milan: G. Ricordi, [1870] Schuman, [?], Schuman's self-instructor for the flute, St. Louis, Balmer & Weber, 1870 Duvergès, J., Nouvelle Méthode Complète de Flûte Boehm Cylindrique, Paris: E. Fromont, c.1870 Gariboldi, G., Méthode élémentaire pour la Flûte- Boehm et Flûte Ordinaire, Paris: Alphonse Leduc, c.1870 ---- Méthode complète de Flûte, Op. 128, Paris: Leduc, c.1878 Popp, Wilhelm, Neuste practische und vollständige Methode des Flötenspiels, Op. 205, Leipzig: Aug. Cranz, c.1870 ---- Practischer Unterrichtsgang Op. 274, Offenbach: André, c.1874-79 ---- Erster Unterricht im Flöten-Speil, Hamburg: Schuberth, c.1880-85 ---- Practischer Anleitung zum Flöten-Spiel Op. 404, Leipzig: Steingräber, c.1886-91 ---- Einleitung zun Selbstunterricht . . . Op. 432, Hannover: Oertel, c.1892-97 ---- Selbstunterricht im Flöten-Spiel Op. 525, Leipzig: Zimmerman, c.1898-1903 Boehm, Theobald, Die Flöte und das Flötenspiel, Munich: Joseph Aibl, 1871 Translation: Dayton C. Miller, The Flute and Flute-Playing, Cleveland: Dayton C. Miller, 1908, and New York: Dover, 1964 Ryan, [?], Ryan's True Flutist, Cincinnati: John Church & Co., 1872 Radcliff, John, School for the Flute, London: Rudall Carte & Co., 1873 Michelis, V. de, Metodo per Flauto (Nuovo Sistema) Op.89, Milan: G. Ricordi, 1874 Collard, A., Method of Practising the Flute, London: A. Collard & Co., 1875 Chapman, Henry, New and Complete Modern Tutor for the Flute, London: J.R. Lafleur & Son, 1877 Altès, Henry, Grand Method for Flute, Boehm System, Paris: Schoenaers-Millereau, 1880 Barge, W., Praktische Flötenschule/Ecole pratique de la flûte, Leipzig, Rob. Forberg, 1880 Franceschini, Filippo, Tavole Relative al Metodo di Flauto, [Milan: Ricordi, c.1880] Koehler, Ernesto, Flöten-Schule, Leipzig: Jul. Heinrich Zimmermann, c.1880 Pieroni, Leopoldo, Metodo teorico pratico per Flauto e ottavino, Florence: A. Lapini, [1880] Wahls, Heinrich, Theoretisch-praktische Flötenschule Op.15a, Leipzig: Carl Rühle, c.1880 Wiemershaus, Emil Theodor, Theoretisch-practische Flötenschule, Leipzig: Carl Rühle, c.1880 Prendiville, Harry, Excelsior Method for the Flute, Philadelphia: J.W. Pepper, 1881 Koehler, Hans, Practischer Lehrgang des Flötenspiels, Braunschweig, H. Litolff's Verlag, 1882 Schulze, G., Flöten-Schule, Dresden: Seeling, c.1880-85 Blémant, L. Méthode de Flûte, Paris: Evette et Schaeffer, c.1885 Müller, Louis, Ny Fl�jt-Skola efter B�hm, Dorus, F�rstenau, Soussmann m.fl.,
Stockholm: Abr. Lundquist, n.d. [c.1885] ---- Lilla Fl�jtskolan, n.p., n.d. Wahls, Heinrich, Kleine theoretische praktische Flöten-Schule, Markneukirchen: Pfretzschner, c.1886-91 Schwedler, Maximilian, Katechismus der Flöte und des Flötenspiels, Leipzig: J.J. Weber, 1897; further editions as Flöte und Flötenspiel, Leipzig: J.J. Weber, 1910 and 1923. Translation and study: John Robert Bailey, Schwedler's "Flute and Flute Playing",D.M. Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1987. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1987 ---- Des Flötenspielers erster Lehrmeister, Heilbron: C.F. Schmidt, 1899 Langey, Otto, Practical Tutor for the Flute, London: Hawkes & Son, c.1889 Piazza, Italo, Metodo per Flauto, Milan: G. Ricordi, c.1890 Tillmetz, Rudolf, Anleitung zur Erlernung der Theobald Böhm'schen Cylinder- und Ringklappen-Flöte, mit konischer Bohrung Op.30, Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [1890] Wahle, Heinz, Theoretisch-praktische Flötenschule. op. 15. [n.p.] 1890 Young, J. Harrington, A complete Course of Instructions for the Boehm Flute, London: Rudall, Carte & Co., 1892 ---- Instruction Book for Flute and Piccolo, London: Francis Bros. & Day, n.d. Howe, Charles T., The Howe Method of Flute Instruction by Correspondence, Columbus OH: The Author, 1892 Van Santvoord, G.B., The Imperial Method for the Flute, Cincinnati: The John Church Company, 1898 Manternach, Philipp, Flöten-Schule, Luxemburg: Stomps, c.1898-1903 Pfeiffer, Otto, Neueste Flöten-Schule, leipzig: Dietrich, c.1898-1903 Popper, Wilhelm, Schule für die Boehmflöte, Hamburg: Ahrens, c.1898-1903 Tannhäuser, Paul, Schule für die Große Flöte, Hamburg: Domkowsky, c.1898-1903 Thomas, Elmar, Praktischer Flöten-Schule, Braunschweig: Litolff, c.1898-1903 ---- Ausführlicher Lehrgang füre die Konzertflöte, Leipzig: Ahrens, 1932 Prill, Emil, Schule für die Böhm-Flöte. Method for the Boehm Flute, Op. 7, Leipzig: Wilhelm Zimmerman, c.1898-1903 Neuland, E. and F. Holtgrave, Flöten-Schule, Bremen: Fischer, c.1904-08 Ville, Paul de, The Eclipse Self Instructor for Flute, New York: C. Fischer, [1905] ---- Universal method for the Flute, New York: Carl Fischer, 1906 Brewer & Co., Shilling Tutor for the Flute, London: Brewer & Co., n.d. Rollinson, T.H., Modern School for the Flute. Boehm and Ordinary Systems, Boston, Oliver Ditson Company, 1907 Duncan, Charles, Popular Instruction Books No.2 The Flute, London: Metzler & Co., Ltd., 1909 Bahlmann, Otto, Flöten-Schule, Leipzig: Bosworth, c.1909-13 Burose, Adolf, Neue große Flöten-Schule, Budapest: Rozsnyai, c.1909-13 Erdödi, Johann, Flöten-Schule, Budapest: Nádor, c.1909-13 Krämer, August, Kurzgefaßte Schule für die Große Flöte, Hamburg: Domkowsky, c.1909-13 Regel, Reinhard, Theoretische praktische Flöten-Schule, Hamburg: Benjamin, c.1909-13 Medicus, Emil H., Systematic Flute Instruction, Asheville NC: The Author, 1910 De Lorenzo, Leonardo, L'Indispensibile. A Complete Modern School for the Flute, 2nd edition, New York: Carl Fischer, 1911 Brooke, Arthur, The Modern Method for the Boehm Flute, Boston: The Cundy-Bettoney Co., 1912 Röhler, Richard, Theoretisch-praktische Flötenschule (Altes System und Böhmflöte), Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, 1912 De Jong, Edward, The National Flute Tutor, London: Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, Ltd., n.d. Dobigny, A., Self Instructor for the Flute, London: E. Donajowski, n.d. Guest, J., New Flute and Piccolo Tutor, London: R. Maynard, n.d. Redmond, Walter, Flute and Piccolo Tutor, with tonic sol-fa notes, London: Francis & Day, n.d. Wagner, Ernest Frederick, Foundation to Flute Playing, New York: C. Fischer [new edition c.1918] Walter, F., Schule für die Große Flöte, ?:?, c.1919-23 Taffanel [Paul] & Gaubert [Philippe], Méthode Complète de Flûte, Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1923 Terschak, Adolf, Die Technik des Flöten-Spiels, Mainz: Schott, 1928 Cardoni, Alessandro, Introduzione allo Studio del Flauto e Ottavino, Milan: G. Ricordi, 1930 Platonov, N., Methode xum Erlernen des Flöten-Spiels, Vienna: Universal Edition, 1931 Müller, Georg, Schule für die Boehmflöte Op. 4, Berlin:Parrhysius, before 1932 ---- Die Kunst des Flötenspiels. 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Levine, Carin, and Christina Mitropoulos-Bott, The Techniques of Flute Playing/ Die Spieltechnik der Fl�te, Kassel: Bärenreiter, c2002; Vol 2: Piccolo, Alto and Bass, Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2004 Weidlich, Raphael, Perfektes Fl�tenspiel Der natürliche Weg, Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2005
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